HJSplit PRO Beta 0.3
Free   172 KB

HJSplit PRO Beta 0.3

Free HJSplit PRO split and join of any file in parts of a specific size
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   172 KB

HJSplit PRO is freeware software that allows the split of any file in parts of a specific size, and join the parts together again. With this software you also can generate a checksum of files or groups of split files. The files came in a compress folder; its executable can be run directly without the necessity of an installer.

The executable of this software can be run from a write-protected disk. It is not so complicated to use, and main functionality is to save a file in multiple disk in case we don’t have the enough space to save a file.

It is just a beta version but the author mentioned that he will improve the final version including an automatic disk spanning, file compression, an automatic checksum and others. We can find multiple versions of this software with the same options and different ways to execute them, some version that can be run from DOS, Linux, Java, Php, Mac, and separate version of some options (Join) compatible between them, providing a great support in case we need to split/join files in different platforms.

JR Senior editor
Jose Ruiloba
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Review summary


  • Freeware
  • Easy To Use
  • No installation required, just download and launch the .exe
  • Multiple options of the software from the author
  • Great Performance


  • The author let the support of this software in multiple applications not in just one, for linux you require a version, for windows other



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  • Download hjsplit 0.3